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德国ACT超凡润滑油是由“北京奥科拓科贸有限公司”生产和销售的高档次润滑油产品,由德国AKTIO国际石油公司提供全方位的产品监控与技术支持,公司产品不仅具有“换油周期长,机油压力稳定,防腐、防锈、抗氧化”等常规润滑性能,而且还具有“提升动力,节省燃油”的个性功效;其“ACT.EVO”润滑油调制技术——能够提供从冷车启动的一霎那开始,就会在发动机各个主要部件的表面形成一个保护粘膜,对机件进行最有效的保护的技术正被多家世界知名润滑油企业采用。ACT信息安全检测技术正国内外多家机构、公司采用。作为德国AKTION国际石油公司旗下的润滑油品牌“ACT”在中国境内的唯一办事和代理机构,“北京奥科拓科贸有限公司”一经成立就确立了以研制、开发“F1赛车润滑、超重载润滑”为主的产品发展方向,并确立了“保持对用户需求的高度敏感,重视用户的消费体验,服务水平适当超出用户的期望”的经营理念;并根据中国的公路及运输状况,在国内第一家将SAE AS9100:2000国际航空航天质量管理体系导入公司的质量管理体系中,其目的就是要将高品质的“ACT”润滑油带给中国的亿万驾乘人员;公司讲求团队的合作理念,注重用户满意度和员工的忠诚度的培育,并通过不断提升公司产品质量和对用户的沟通服务水平来实现公司价值的最大化;把“成果与股东、客户共享”和“创造用户价值的最大化”作为公司长远发展的奋斗目标。


ACT außergewöhnliche Schmierstoffe von der "Beijing Bioko Billiton Electronics Co., Ltd", die Produktion und den Verkauf von hochwertigen Öl-Produkte, von der deutschen AKTIO Überwachung des internationalen Ölgesellschaften eine breite Palette von Produkten und technischen Support zur Verfügung gestellt, die Produkte des Unternehmens nicht nur eine "Wechselintervalle lange, stabiler Öldruck , Korrosion, Rost, Oxidation, "und andere konventionelle Schmiereigenschaften, sondern hat auch" Verbesserung der Energie-, Treibstoff zu sparen ", die Persönlichkeit Wirksamkeit; Kunden begrüßen zu kaufen. AKTION international oil companies as Germany's lubricants brand "ACT" in the Chinese territory and the only agency work, "Beijing Bioko extension Electronics Limited" to establish a set up a research and development of the "track lubrication, overweight Lubrication contained "as the product development direction, and established a" highly sensitive to the needs of the user, the consumer experience to users, the appropriate level of service beyond the expectations of users "business philosophy, and based on China's highways and transport situation in the country Will be the first SAE AS9100: 2000 international aerospace quality management system into the company's quality management system, its purpose is to high-quality "ACT" the lubricating oil to the Chinese hundreds of millions of occupants. The company emphasizes the team concept of cooperation, focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty of staff training, and through continuous upgrading of product quality and users of communication services to maximize the value of the company to achieve; "with the outcome of the shareholders, customers share "And creating" maximize the value of the user "as the company's long-term development goals.